We could bore you with details about the high-power double layer, inside/outside wound copper coil with fiberglass former, weatherproofing treatments, or carefully optimized components. Still, we’re not getting any younger, and neither are you! Incorporated in the Eminence Omega Pro 12-2KW-8 is the experience you can trust derived from fifty-seven years of using, designing, and making loudspeakers.
Here’s why you need the Eminence Omega Pro 12-2KW-8. You’ll forget about lugging those extra subs around because your mains can’t go there. The Omega Pro 12-2KW-8 gets low in those small vented boxes and with 4,000W (peak) AES power handling potential to ensure they get loud too.
Not only are the parameters carefully selected to stand alone in the tiny tops of today, but Eminence specifically tailored their smooth frequency responses for the most manageable passive or active network designs you will ever encounter. Eminence engineers invested great care to ensure these drivers do the job for many years to come.
Features include: